InputManager VKeys EnumerationBespoke Osc Library
Virtual key codes.

Namespace: Bespoke.Common
Assembly: Bespoke.Common (in Bespoke.Common.dll) Version: (

Public Enumeration VKeys

  Member nameValueDescription
SHIFT16 The Shift key.
CONTROL17 The Control key.
MENU18 The Menu key.
ESCAPE27 The Escape key.
BACK8 The Back key.
TAB9 The Tab key.
RETURN13 The Return key.
PRIOR33 The Prior key.
NEXT34 The Next key.
END35 The End key.
HOME36 The Home key.
LEFT37 The Left Arrow key.
UP38 The Up Arrow key.
RIGHT39 The Right Arrow key.
DOWN40 The Down Arrow key.
SELECT41 The Select key.
PRINT42 The Print key.
EXECUTE43 The Execute key.
SNAPSHOT44 The Snapshot key.
INSERT45 The Insert key.
DELETE46 The Delete key.
HELP47 The Help key.
NUMPAD096 The Number Pad 0 key.
NUMPAD197 The Number Pad 1 key.
NUMPAD298 The Number Pad 2 key.
NUMPAD399 The Number Pad 3 key.
NUMPAD4100 The Number Pad 4 key.
NUMPAD5101 The Number Pad 5 key.
NUMPAD6102 The Number Pad 6 key.
NUMPAD7103 The Number Pad 7 key.
NUMPAD8104 The Number Pad 8 key.
NUMPAD9105 The Number Pad 9 key.
MULTIPLY106 The Multiply key.
ADD107 The Add key.
SEPARATOR108 The Separator key.
SUBTRACT109 The Subtract key.
DECIMAL110 The Decimal key.
DIVIDE111 The Divide key.
F1112 The F1 key.
F2113 The F2 key.
F3114 The F3 key.
F4115 The F4 key.
F5116 The F5 key.
F6117 The F6 key.
F7118 The F7 key.
F8119 The F8 key.
F9120 The F9 key.
F10121 The F10 key.
F11122 The F11 key.
F12123 The F12 key.
OEM_1186 ',:' for US.
OEM_PLUS187 '+' any country
OEM_COMMA188 ',' any country
OEM_MINUS189 '-' any country
OEM_PERIOD190 '.' any country
OEM_2191 '/?' for US
OEM_3192 '`~' for US
MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK176 The Media Next Track key.
MEDIA_PREV_TRACK177 The Media Previous Track key.
MEDIA_STOP178 The Media Stop Track key.
MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE179 The Media Pause Track key.
LWIN91 The Left Windows key.
RWIN92 The Right Windows key.
A65 The A key.
B66 The B key.
C67 The C key.
D68 The D key.
E69 The E key.
F70 The F key.
G71 The G key.
H72 The H key.
I73 The I key.
J74 The J key.
K75 The K key.
L76 The L key.
M77 The M key.
N78 The N key.
O79 The O key.
P80 The P key.
Q81 The Q key.
R82 The R key.
S83 The S key.
T84 The T key.
U85 The U key.
V86 The V key.
W87 The W key.
X88 The X key.
Y89 The Y key.
Z90 The Z key.
See Also